Welcome to the DCCC Brain Tumor Center

This website aims to target researchers, however, being a citizen, patient or next of kin you are welcome to seek information at The Danish Cancer Society and The Danish Brain Tumor Association

Denne hjemmeside er målrettet forskere, mens borgere, patienter eller pårørende er velkommen til at søge information hos Kræftens Bekæmpelse og Hjernetumorforeningen.

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News from the research center

14. October, 24
Thomas Urup
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24. September, 24
Great news and we are happy to advise the Lundbeck Foundation has given a large grant for brain cancer research
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24. September, 24
News from The DCCC Brain Tumor Center
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About us

The National Center for Brain Tumor Research seeks to cure more patients from brain tumors, a rare and little-understood disease.

In Denmark, 1600 new cases are registered in adults each year. The frequency is increasing, especially among males. 800 cases are gliomas. Treatment of gliomas is a multidisciplinary specialty and consists of local treatment, surgery and radiation therapy combined with medical treatment.

Although there has been some progress in life prolonging treatment of some glioma types in recent years, there have been no progress in the treatment of so-called grade 4 gliomas – Glioblastomas – the last 16 years. There are 400 new cases of glioblastomas each year and less than 10 % of patients live more than 5 years.

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